It’s nice to put a face to a name.
AKA Matthew Malta Lockwood, the class clown, born in the 80’s, director, sales king, suffolk boy, complete golf obsession, never reads the instructions, opposite to an over thinker, life moto ‘don’t worry about it’.
AKA Anthony Jonathan Cole, the grumpy one, born in the 80’s, director, lettings king, tractor boy, jack of all trades, loves a bit of ink, confessed trainer hoarder, swears way more than he probably should.
AKA Alexander Ross Woozley, also referred to as ‘The Bear’, the stable one, born in the 80’s, director, development king, football coach, family man, sports fanatic, greatest hits radio all day long.
AKA Shannon Pearl Swallow, the glue of the company, born in the 90’s, lettings manager, sponsored angler, shooting mad, outdoor kinda girl, dachshund crazy, loves a bit of country.
AKA Cindy Jayne Swallow, the grown-up of the group, born in the 60’s, lettings administrator, number one tea maker, partial to a gin, oh and Shannon’s Mum!